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Back October 8th, 2008 Forward

A brand new supernatural game set around a fictional town. Now accepting holds!
Game Premise
Game Links
Supernatural creatures have always hidden in the shadows to avoid detection from the far more numerous humans. Most of the creatures have moved around to avoid detection and, thus, haven't been able to live anything resembling a normal life. An individual in the the small town of Arton Bay, Oregon noticed this fact.

Arton Bay was the home to The Club, a spacious 3-story building that had essentially gone to waste. The Club had closed in 1960, but in 1971 a wealthy individual purchased it and reopened with the supernatural in mind. Since then, The Club has been an unspoken haven for any supernatural creatures wanting a retreat from the questioning of the outside world. Still going strong in 2008, The Club allows and caters to any creature willing not to maim others on club property. Arton Bay, as a whole, also seems to be going strong despite the influx of supernatural creatures. Aside from the occasional question what an "Extra" Bloody Mary is, the locals ignore the quirks of The Club and passing tourists don't seem to suspect a thing.

Taken & Available

Rules & FAQ

Locale Breakdown


Wanted Storylines

Mod Contact Post / The Dropbox

[info]the_club via [info]the_owner is a supernatural game taking place in the fictional Arton Bay, Oregon. We're now looking to cast a strong central group of players for a fun game.

We'd especially like a "bad guy" or two who don't necessarily agree with The Club's rules and a few people who are The Club's security and enforce the rules.

darkest mods [userpic]
Darkest Days: An Original Mob-based PB Game

Imagine a world where heroes no longer exist and the only way for the streets to become safe again is for one family to rise above the rest. Everyone has an allegiance here, the neutral don’t stay that way or alive for long. Each member of the police force is bought and paid for by someone, so there’s no point in calling when trouble comes knocking at the door.

The year is 2025 and Chicago doesn’t sparkle as it once did. Everything is dirtier, grittier and more worn down than the pictures in the history books like to show. Glitz and glamour have no place here because a war is brewing in the shadows. Bullet holes and dried blood litter the city’s streets and no one thinks twice if a person is gunned down a few feet away. But it wasn't always like that.

For years the Irish, Russians and Italians occupied the city on what could be considered "friendly" terms. Patrick O'Meara saw to it that the peace was kept and that each group saw to their own affairs. Each stayed out of the other's way and if someone stepped out of line, meetings between the heads of the families were called and it was settled quietly behind closed doors. Thanks to O'Meara, they were all able to coexist peacefully enough. Well, right up until someone decided to pull the trigger and open Pandora's box.

Dante Morelli, son of the Italian crime boss Antonio "Tony" Morelli, was the one who decided to take matters into his own hands. A lifelong grudge held against O'Meara's son fueled his plan for revenge and without consulting any of the elders, took a few of his most trusted soldiers and put an end to Patrick O'Meara's life. It was only a matter of time before chaos ensued and more blood was shed. No one knows exactly who pulled the trigger, but then again, it really doesn't matter.

Now, Conor O'Meara has been called back from Ireland to lead in his father's place and enact a little revenge of his own. All bets are off and both the Irish and Italians are gunning for each other while the Russian's, with a little meddling of their own mixed in of course, sit back and wait for the smoke to clear.

So who will it be? The Italians who specialize in drug trading and follow a list of commandments? The Russians who are notorious for underground operations and clean transactions? Or the Irish who are perhaps the oldest and most organized crime group in the city? The choice is yours and without it, you might as well be dead.

::The Game::
Characters | Locations | Wanted | Family Structures | Rules | FAQs | Application

::Members Only::
Contact List | Friend All

In Character | Out of Character | Mod Journal

Now Open!

Rules // Application // All Characters // Taken PBs

People all over the world are beginning to discover they have special abilities. Some are thrilled by the fact that they are different than everyone else and some aren't so thrilled. That's not all there is to it, though. A Company is trying to study these people and find out what causes their special ability, though not everyone comes out of the company. Are they trapped or are they even alive?

A power greedy serial killer is just another risk, among others.

Can these evolved humans unite to stop the terrors from rising?

Seven Minutes After Midnight is a slightly canon/slightly AU game that starts at canon time October 2006 and goes through the lives of these people. Where will their paths lead from there?

Anything is up to the players.*

* AU storylines require mod approval to keep track of storylines so there are no clashes.

Game opens November 1!

Most Wanted:

With Abilities: Bob Bishop, Meredith Gordon, Gabriel Gray, Hiro Nakamura, Matt Parkman, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, and man more.

Without Abilities or with Unknown Abilities: Lyle Bennet, Noah Bennet, Sandra Bennet, Leanne (playable original), Brody Mitchum, Mohinder Suresh, Jackie, Wilcox, and many others.

Back October 8th, 2008 Forward