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Back August 12th, 2008 Forward


It's been ten years since the fall of Voldemort and the Wizarding World is once again at peace. Beauxbatons, the french Academie de Magie, and the idyllic Wizarding town of Beauxcoteau saw very little of the war, but even their slight unease has passed. Things have returned to normal within the walls of the school.

Normal, but never boring. Death might not be hanging over their heads, but failure, humiliation and social ruin are. The students are struggling to find themselves, forge their futures and avoid the sometimes cruel atmosphere of school. They are falling in and out of love, trying to keep peace with their siblings, and attempting to live up to the expectations placed on them. And then there are the students who don't want peace, don't want to grow up and refuse to follow anyone else's rules. There are Quidditch games to win, dances that require dates and tests to study for. Normal? Maybe. Boring? Never.

Opening Tomorrow! Be there for the start!

Academie de MagieAcademie OOCMod Journal
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