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Back June 8th, 2008 Forward


This is a multi-fandom community with an interesting story to it. We are looking for mature rpers who will have a great time at our game. Anyone is welcome to join as someone from any fandom, getting more colorful characters that we wouldn't normally see is a hope of ours. Please come take a look!

Venatio Venefici: a Harry Potter Next Gen RPG
It is the year 2022, and the wizarding world of Britain has flourished since the fall of Lord Voldemort. With Kingsley Shacklebolt as the Minister of Magic and reconstruction after the war complete, life is rather ordinary for the next generation of wizards and witches attending school at Hogwarts. That is, until they discover that the Triwizard Tournament has returned. With the introduction of twenty new students and the temporary hiatus of interhouse competition for Quidditch and House cups, the students must learn to cast aside their differences and work together while enjoying the differences that make everyone unique. But they are, after all, teenagers and most everyone knows that things can always turn unexpected, especially when magic is involved.

Game begins July 1st! Accepting Applications Now!

Wanted: James Potter, Scorpius Malfoy! Welcome to Originals!


profile codes | Game | OOC

Rules | FAQs | Taken PBs | Males | Females | Application | HELD | TAGs


The year is 2003, the new renaissance for the magical world has flourished after the war. It seems that everyone has forgotten about past events and have moved on. Not everyone moves on easily...As the ministry gives magical journal to every resident, people begin to wonder for what? Isn't peace already there?

As the wizardry world rebuilds so does certain things that shouldn't be re built. Lucius Malfoy hasn't moved on that easily. Even if he did vow to be good. Nothing good ever lasts, now does it? As time passes by his hunger for power rises and each passing moment is making it harder for him to achieve that goal.

Say hello to the new Dark Lord. Behind the backs of the Order of Phoenix , Lucius builds his dark army with followers who are hopeful of another apocalypse and this time, Lucius was prepared. As he found an artifact that could bring the dead back, he thinks on who to use it? And how many people.

The only problem with the artifact is, that once you are reborn to before your death, you are the opposite.... So what did this mean? If you were good before your death, now you were bad? His plans exactly.

What was once dead walks amongst the living. And with a taste for blood. Remus Lupin and many others on the wrong side. No one seems to notice for a while until they see it for them selves. Why would dead loved ones return? Who was doing all of this?

Questions begin to be asked as the ministry slowly loses control to their utopia. It seems that no one can answer the questions, not even Harry Potter. Who will stand up and fight this time? Will anyone be willing to risk their new families or loved ones for another war? Are they ready for what's planned for them..?

In the end you look for hope but never get to find it. It seems that all good that has existent, all dreams that were made, have been destroyed;piece by piece. No one is safe any more. It's a matter of time before catastrophe happens.

Are you the last one standing?

Devils Tower RPG

Premise | Rules | Characters | Played By | Application
Game Begins Friday, June 13th

What would happen in Wizarding society had Harry and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named not faced each other on that fateful night in 1998? What would happen if things had not gone as smoothly as J.K Rowling had described? How would this continuing presence of darkness affect all those striving to survive? How far can the Wizarding world fall before it's broken beyond repair?

wizarding kind is about to find out...

Many Characters Still Available!!!

Back June 8th, 2008 Forward