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Back May 20th, 2008 Forward

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Schooling is a significant part of every individual’s life. As you pass through the halls of your institution, whether it be Muggle or Magical, there is always a sense of familiarity, even years after you've left. When things get tough there is always that wishful thought of being back there, being a child again and having nothing more than the next Quidditch match to worry about, but what if you actually had to go back? Would it still hold the same sentimental value it did before?

It's been six years since the famous last stand off of Harry James Potter and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and people still whisper about how Harry had come back from the dead to finish what had started so many years before. The Wizarding world has been slowly rebuilding after the destruction. Individuals from both sides of the war are starting their own families and gaining back everything they lost. For the past six years Kingsley Shaklebolt has sat as Minister of Magic over a economically and socially strong Wizarding community, but every once in a while a speed bump is bound to occur. A speed bump that will through off the peaceful structure of some individuals lives. A speed bump that, for the British Wizarding world, is long over due.

As it is in most cases, such a ripple in society was caused by a mere pebble being dropped into a pond. A severe misdiagnosis brought the attention of the entire Wizarding world to the concept that a certain percentage of the population had missed out on an entire year of schooling. In order to be a registered wand carrier all Witches and Wizards must be enrolled and graduate with a particular amount of credits from a known Wizarding School. Kingsley Shaklebolt stood firm under his belief that the student population during that period had learned far more from being in the world then they would have learned from sitting in classrooms, but society did not agree. Under extreme social pressure, Kingsley folded and instituted a legislation that made it necessary for all those who were enrolled in Hogwarts during the 1997-1998 school year to complete a year of educational training in order to correct the situation.

As it can be expected, this news has not created mixed feelings throughout society. The individuals who are expected to complete this year of training have lives, jobs, and families to take care of. Hogwarts has always been a place for children, but in the coming year, children and adults alike will be sharing its classrooms and learning under the same Professors. As far as the Professors are concerned, this new legislation is opening a door for an entire new set of problems.

Equinox: A Twilight RPG

“You're not a magnet for accidents — that's not a broad enough classification. You are a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you." - Edward Cullen, Twilight

The worst was finally behind them. Victoria and her army of newborn vampires were finally defeated. High school had officially come to a close and graduation had come and gone. Now what Bella Swan left to look forward to? Well there was the matter of her upcoming nuptials to Edward Cullen and, more importantly to her, her promised transformation once the wedding had gone through. Everything was falling into place, at least it seemed.

However, nothing involving Bella Swan ever goes that smoothly.

Equinox is an RPG that takes place directly after the main events in Eclipse.

Many characters are still open including members of the Denali clan and the Volturi. We are particularly in need of Angela Weber, Charlie Swan, Embry Call, Emily Young, and Rebecca Black.

( Timeline ) ( Characters ) ( Rules ) ( Application ) ( Contact ) ( Questions )

Just a good, old-fashioned town community filled with awesome writers.
[info]arlington | [info]arlingtonmod | [info]arlingtonsls


Far off in another universe a Planet has become a little lonely. To satisfy it's need for company, it has begun taking beings from all times and places and dumping them in the middle of a resort in it's center. These beings will be forced to interact with each other while attempting to adapt to their new environment.


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Guidelines . Friend Add . Character List

Classifieds . Room Assignments . Helpful Links

Introduction . Contact Info . Resort Info

More Resort Info . Taken/Held/Banned . Promoting

Affiliates . Mod Email

About the Game

Game Rating: NC-17
Age Limits: 17+
Slash/Smut Friendly

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

A Gathering of Shadows: A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

A Gathering of Shadows is a role playing game inspired by and based on the pre-established world of George R. R. Martin's epic high fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. The game takes place in 908 AL--608 years following the end of A Dream of Spring. Intimate knowledge of the fandom itself is not a requirement.

Plenty of roles remain open, including lords of major houses and a diverse selection of laypeople, knights, nobles, septons and miscellaneous castle inhabitants, as well as characters from Across the Narrow Sea. Especially sought after are the missing (and presumed dead) Prince and Queen Targaryens and the fugitive Rhaeys Targaryen, framed for the assassination of his brother the former King.

GENRE: fantasy, high fantasy, historical fantasy, feudalism, war

MOD CONTACT: agosmods [ a.t. ] gmail [ d.o.t. ] com

Back May 20th, 2008 Forward