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Back December 22nd, 2007 Forward


Opening January 1st, 2008

The year is 2022 and the Children of the Trio are well on their way to growing up. They've all heard the stories of the second war against Voldemort and have learned about those who gave their lives to prevent the Dark Lord from rising up. The names of Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Nymphandora Tonks, and many others have become legend.

For years the Wizarding world has been at peace. No one has feared to go out alone or leave their doors unlocked. Unfortunately the peace is not to last. Whispers of dark magic and blood purity are starting to spread once again. As this new threat draws their parents attention, the new Hogwarts generation stumbles across a charm that literally turns their world upside down.

Dumbledore was a brilliant man, but what if there was more to his attempt to defeat Voldemort than he let on? Voldemort was the second Wizard in Dumbledore's life to attempt to destroy the peace. How far would the Headmaster go to protect the children on the Wizarding world? As James Potter, Rosie Weasley, and the rest of their generation find themselves face to face with their 17 year old parents they begin to see just how determined Dumbledore was to protect the future of the Wizarding world.

With the destruction of Voldemort by the hands of Harry Potter, the previous generation of students now has a new problem to face. How does one handle meeting their future children? For the new generation they have to determine how much information is safe to reveal. What will happen if too much information is given? Will it change the outcome of the future? Despite this there is a greater question that haunts them...

What will they have to do to get back home?


RulesExtended PlotCharacter ListingApplicationPlayed By'sNewbie GuideMod Journal


<td>After Midnight is a post-Hogwarts game set in the year 2004. It is HBP-canon compliant and AU after that. However, the canon will be followed as close as possible. DH's Epilogue does not exist for this game. Children, relationships, deaths and the like from the ending of HBP forward can be disregarded.

The Second War has come and gone. Voldemort is a thing of the past. After the ending of the second war many people moved on with their lives.. marriage, children, careers, and everything those who took part in the war worked so hard for were abundant. Some, mainly the Voldemort supporters, had to go into hiding for fear of being sent to Azkaban. Peace and tranquility came over the Wizarding World; however, that's all about to change. . . The Muggles have always been a what if subject. What if they discover us? What if they manage to cross into our world and what if we are forced to go to war with them? Most ignore this what if, but Purebloods have always been weary of losing the only world they have ever known to them. In August of 2003.. it happened. Somehow the Muggles managed to cross the barriers between the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds. Chaos ensued immediately. Peace and tranquility were a thing of the past. Rash kidnappings of wizards and witches took place. Brutal beatings, posionings, and many other cruelties affected the Wizarding World within the first few months of discovery. The Death Eaters finally had enough and stormed the Ministry, taking control of it once more. More and more Wizards and Witches of all blood types are aligning with the Blood Purist DEs.

Now is the time to choose. Will you stand with those who worked so hard to keep the Wizarding World hidden at any cost? Will you stand with those who tortured and killed your family and friends for so many years? Or will you stand with those who think the Muggles aren't so bad? Will you stand with those who were loyal to the Order at all costs? Will you stand by the mediators- those who are trying to come to some sort of agreement so the two Worlds can live together peacefully? Is it even possible anymore?
Are you willing to risk your life to ensure that there is a future? Will you cower in fear or refuse to align with past enemies? Or will you take a stand for your lifestyle and World?

the choice is yours. . .CHOOSE WISELY

Back December 22nd, 2007 Forward