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Cross-posted to everywhere [16 Apr 2013|02:14am]
Alright guys and gals. I put up some ads for this guy a couple of weeks ago, but didn't get ANY responses for lines with him, so I'm going to try again (since commenting to others' ads didn't seem to work either...). This is for the game [info]cityoangels. It's a city comm (PB), with a serial killer on the loose. It's likely going to have some mature scenes in it, but don't let that stop you or hold you back! We're fairly new and would love love LOVE to have more people join us!

Click to read! )

I think that's all that I have for lines I'd like to see for Stephen. If you're interested in anything, let me know! Comment here, in my OOC contact post located here, PM me, or comment with a custom! I'd love to work out any sort of lines that you guys would like to see as well!
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[16 Apr 2013|03:41pm]

Pomfret Academy is a fictional private boarding school, set in Hightstown, New Jersey and (very) loosely based off of the actual Peddie School in the same city. Gameplay will take place on the campus of Pomfret, exploring the relationships and lives of boarding students away from home, friends, and all things familiar. Of course, this doesn't mean that students will always be confined to campus. Sports and other various events, trips, formals, and activities will take place in Hightstown and its surrounding areas; maybe even another country!

We're seeking a diverse student body and faculty! From trust fund kids to the academic genius on scholarship, jocks, and slackers with deep-pocketed parents. Quirky teachers with odd teaching habits, cold as ice athletic coaches with a chip on their shoulder, and staff members who loathe children. They'll all be here with one common goal: Graduation.

Game opens 4/17!

≔Premise ≔Taken ≔Held ≔Application ≔Dropbox
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