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[28 Jan 2012|12:50pm]



Unleashing demons spawned in fear

Have you been suffering from nightmares? Well, you aren't alone. Except those aren't nightmares. Those are memories, belonging to Pandora Zurlo, and she wants them back. She has retrieved several, leaving behind a wake of bodies and a mass of confusion and panic. People are scared, pointing fingers, and no one knows who will be next.

Pandora's Box is a dark Harry Potter RPG set in 2003. Harry Potter was the first of Pandora's victims and the numbers are growing. With every memory regained, Pandora grows stronger. It's only a matter of time before she's slaughtered everyone with her memories, unless someone stops her first. But how do you fight an enemy you don't know?

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Ye Gods! [28 Jan 2012|01:57pm]

In centuries past, mortals believed in superstition. They believed in gods. They believed in magic. As human civilization evolved and fewer people chose to believe in the otherworld, the mist grew thicker and the parallel worlds more separate. Mortals were blessed (and cursed) to see only what they wanted to see. They went about their business unaware that the gods were still very much around and pulling the strings.

With worship waning, the gods found that they had to think of new ways to increase their power and influence. They turned to their mortal children - their demi-gods. However, lately, greater problems have arisen. The forces of darkness and chaos are rising, threatening the very fabric of existence. Who will succeed? Who will stand for goodness and light, and who will be the harbingers of darkness and chaos?

[info]yegods is a modern fantasy roleplaying game inspired by White Wolf's Scion setting and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. We're a small plot-driven, log heavy game with super friendly players and a lot of activity, so join today! Join us and experience the adventure, intrigue, and excitement of Ye Gods!


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[28 Jan 2012|05:12pm]

Being a teenager isn't all fun and games.

A hundred years ago, supernaturals 'didn't exist'. They were figments of your imagination, things that went bump in the night and tall tales that you told your children. Not anymore.

Supernaturals were in hiding, laying dormant and blending into the background in order to protect themselves, but during WWII, the need for their abilities became so great that hiding was no longer an option. The government had long been aware of the existence of supernaturals, and when Hitler was killed or died and the accounts of the death were so unusual they couldn't be explained, people started asking questions. Keeping supernaturals under wraps became impossible and so the different races of supernaturals exploded across the lands. Just like any other minority, supernaturals weren't welcomed with open arms. Many were persecuted and some even killed for being 'different'. There was segregation and hate crimes and many churches labeled being supernatural an abomination before God. Supernaturals had to register with the government and were prosecuted if they were found without their registration cards. Many supernaturals went back into hiding.

During the sixties, however, in the height of civil rights and love, peace and harmony, being supernatural didn't seem so bad in the grand scheme of things. There were vast civil rights movements and eventually laws were passed protecting supernaturals the same as other minority groups. Still, not everyone accepted people who were 'different'. Many supernaturals migrated to areas where they were more widely accepted.

Some may have moved right next door to you.

In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, moving into an apartment with a new roommate might mean that you're sharing a living space with a werewolf. Or maybe your son's new kindergarten teacher is an elemental. Or that girl you have a crush on in Algebra just might already know because she's a telepath. Things are still a struggle when it comes to acceptance and not everyone is happy about the path that the world is taking towards equality.

Where do you stand? Which side will you take?

Come join us at The Supernatural Next Door. We're currently seeking public and private school students and teenagers of all shapes and sizes!
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[28 Jan 2012|06:57pm]

What if the Greeks had been right?

Although thousands of years have passed since the Greeks were the magnificent empire of yore, the memorable persons that populated their fables and their explanations -- gods and goddesses, heroes and nymphs, muses that bring their inspired artists to their knees -- have been forgotten as truth and instead regarded as beautiful, if fictional, characters. Angered by the disrespect the human race has paid them, the Olympian gods devised a plan: go down to earth, as they were wont to do, and stir things up. After all, hadn't they done that so many times before, interacting with the mortal men of their creation to satisfy a bit of boredom? They needed to be taught a lesson.

Except for one thing: without the power of belief and faith behind them, the gods found their powers a bit... lacking. Rather than ending up on earth as the all-powerful beings who brought mortals trembling to the ground, they ended up as... mortals. Mortals who just so happened to be reincarnated mythological figures. Mortals who just so happened to be reincarnated mythological figures in New York. As their memories come through, will it disrupt the lifetime of personality they have set up for themselves? How will it affect their relationships? And will they ever be able to exact their revenge?

Letalis is a Greek mythology game that uses premades as a starting device for CR with other players. We encourage our prospective players to not only think outside the box when it comes to plot but also to feel free to break away from the premade description as the game evolves. We are hoping to be a dynamic community heavy on relationships and character development as the cast reconciles their identities as both mortal men and women and the gods and goddesses of mythos.


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[28 Jan 2012|10:03pm]


It's 2050, by now the wizarding world has gone through mass changes since the Second War ended. Deaths, births, the rise of a new generation, changes for a better world. The only thing that the wizarding world struggled with was a small uprising started by the children of former Death Eaters. Thankfully, it only took one year to quash it, and luckily only a small number of causalities came from it. In the end the nine members of the uprising were caught, and sentenced for their crimes against the wizarding world. Since then everything started to progress again and over time the wizarding world became slightly more dependent on the muggle world, and with that came change and adaptation. One of these changed came when former Minister Shaklebolt decided that the key to a peaceful future was knowledge. With knowledge came acceptance and progress to maintain a better world. In 2030 Eolas University came the first Wizarding University. Modeled after muggle universities across Britain and Ireland the goal was to educate young witches and wizards preparing them for their career of choices. Everything from Geffory Buttermere College of Medicine, the MacTavish College of Law Enforcement, Goodfellow College of Magical Law, to degrees offered in Magical Zoology, Muggle Studies, a wide array of degrees available for every kind of field in the wizarding world.

It is up to this new generation to decide what to do with the knowledge, if they'll use it to follow their dreams, to help wizarding kind, or for their own personal benefit. Their grandparents made a mark on the world, now it's their turn.

Most Wanted:Fun and Active Players, Loads of Characters Available!

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