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[21 Nov 2010|10:25pm]

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premiseabout Beauxbatonsthe groundsBeauxcoteau

Since 1359, l'Academie de Magie Beauxbatons has been educating France's young witches and wizards and sending them off into the world with not only the magical knowledge to succeed but the grace and poise to look good while doing it. Prestige and honor has surrounded the school throughout the centuries and has allowed Beauxbatons to enjoy a tradition of class and intelligence.

Now, after many years of regrowth and rebuilding after the defeat of the darkest wizard the world has ever known, the wizarding world is flourishing yet again. Wizarding France's economy is thriving, thanks to their Minister of Magic, Pierre Le Besco's leadership. And Beauxbatons wants to ensure that their alumni, wizarding France's future, steps into this new world with confidence and the skills they need to succeed. That is why, in 2005, they instated a new exam to evaluate their sixth year students, replacing old tests with I.M.P.s [Integral Mentoring Placements] so that seventh year students could participate in internship programs, getting on the job training while still finishing out their magical education. With the success of this internship program, came other changes to the curriculum, as well as an addition to the campus, remodeled and revealed this school year!

Academie steps in at the beginning of this unique school year and follows the lives of the co-ed sixth and seventh years attending Beauxbatons. The RP is a social based game featuring fully developed game canon and pop culture, weekly subplots, detailed quidditch matches, and interactive house point accumulation with a unique spin on academics which is going to allow seventh years to participate in a internship program very similar to a university atmosphere.

♠ game starts Sunday, November 28th ♠
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