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[07 Sep 2010|08:31am]

In the spring of 1998 the trio were captured in Malfoy Manor where fate would dictate they escape with the assistance of Dobby the House Elf. However, fate did not go according to the plan. In the last second the elf was killed leaving the trio to the mercy of You Know Who. With Potter captured the path was clear to the Ministry and after numerous show trials, in July, the Death Eaters took over completely. It is a plot that could fit into many games, but there is one difference- it is not the Dark Lord that rules but a Dark Lady, there was not a boy who lived but a Girl Who Lived, the greatest Headmaster that lived was actually a Headmistress and it was her father’s love not her mother’s love that allowed the Girl Who Lived to survive.

Enter a world where the outcome of the war has not just been turned on its head, but every character’s gender.
Opens On Friday

Most Wanted Characters- [Dolores] Umbridge, [Rodolphus] Lestrange, [Severus] Snape, [Neville] Longbottom, [Luna] Lovegood, [Ginny] Weasley, Past DA Members, School Aged Characters (Ginny’s Year and Under), Ministry Workers

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[07 Sep 2010|05:36pm]

Destiny Falls


Bet it all at the Sypher Hotel and Casino

Character Directory
Taken and Reserved PBs
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After all, what do you have to lose? There's a man sitting in an opulent office in the tower high above the idylic island of Destiny Falls that's waiting to find out. Who cares if he's a little - strange? He can and will give you anything...For a small fee. But does it matter what you give up when there is SO much to gain? Leave everything behind and come on down to visit Mr. Sypher and have a drink at the luxurious Sypher Hotel and Casino...
The first round's on him.

Destiny Falls is an original character RPG set in the fictional island of Destiny Falls off of the East coast of the United States. We are looking for any and all original characters you might be able to dream up! If you have any questions, please email the mods at

*Because of the adult content that will play a major part in this game, the game is rated NC-17 with NO exceptions.

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