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[27 Feb 2010|08:39pm]
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three sentences

Rules are simple enough!
- Three sentences only. They can be as long or short as you want them to be. Introductions are not necessary. There is no setting to this game.
- No strikeouts. However, the format of the post is completely up to you as long as it's grammatically correct!
- Your character must be fictional. If you want to play a real person, then kindly find another community.
- No Godmodding. Ever.
- No duplicates. Even though the character may appear in different forms, only one version is allowed. Please check the tags to see if your character is taken!
- If a character is inactive after three month, it is up for grabs.
- Posts open to the whole community are open here. Let the community know if a post is locked to a particular character or group of characters.
- Any threads rated above PG-13 must be moved to a personal journal with a warning in the title. We are open to anything, from slash to smut, but you must abide by this rule.

how to join

Well, joining is moderated, so just click the joining button and you'll most likely get accepted. If not, then I will definitely PM you or contact you in some way to work things out!
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opening second week of march! [27 Feb 2010|10:25pm]

recounting (the moderators)

MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Ted Tonks, & much, much more.
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[ viewing | February 27th, 2010 ]
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