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[23 Feb 2010|12:16pm]


{an au roleplay experience}

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You awaken in a room that is devoid of decorations. You are lying on a small cot, a table beside you. Upon the table is a device, similar to that of a PDA. Closer inspection reveals your name inscribed upon the back below an insignia the likes of which you have never seen.

The device is on. On the screen is
a note, written in your native tongue. Once the letter is finished, it disappears and in its place is a map leading you to your assigned housing. The door to the room opens at this time and a computerized voice tells you to exit. The corridor is long and narrow. It deposits you out onto an unfamiliar street. The city is large, the architecture foreign. The door behind you closes and you are left alone.

Feel free to explore. You cannot leave the city but all of your needs will be met. Anything you can want, within reason, can be found here. The locals are mostly friendly and compassionate. Their duty is to make your stay here a comfortable one. After all, you are their guest. You are their responsibility.

You are now a member of Project Papillon.

[[info]projectpapillon is an au, panfandom rp experience; all characters must be au representations of their canon counterparts]

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Epitaph [23 Feb 2010|02:55pm]

The end of the world is no longer nigh - it's already here...

All around the world, society seems to be falling apart, civilisation crumbling. The modern world is tearing itself apart under the weight of a reality it has denied for so many years. The reality that the supernatural does actually exist.

It exists and some of it is actively aiding that downfall as people wake up for find that they're voted demons into office, that their laws and structures were made by the things that really do go bump in the night. Mob rule has taken down some places in the world, and global communications are failing quickly.

But some areas are holding out, trying to keep it together. Communities who are standing side by side, willing to fight to preserve their way of life. But what is their way of life? Who gets to decide that? And does 'supernatural' automatically mean bad?

What do you think?

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[23 Feb 2010|07:20pm]

The year is 2036. Danger has risen from the ashes of the past. The only salvation we have is in the hands of a new team of mutants.
Here’s hoping they don’t mess it up.

~genepool: a next-generation X-Men game!
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Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome [23 Feb 2010|08:32pm]
Salem Academy

Welcome to Salem Academy, America's premier school for witches and wizards. The past term has had its ups and down. Between dances, quodpot, and a unique curriculum, students have their hands full. They have plenty to focus on in within the safety of school walls.

But maybe those walls aren't so safe. How else could someone have managed to sneak onto campus and severely wound the headmaster? Who is this group claiming to want to reveal witches and wizards to the world? Why are none of the wizarding papers covering the news, only the muggle ones? Just how much more safety will be breached, and what lengths will people go to keep this quiet? Or worse, to make themselves be heard?

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[ viewing | February 23rd, 2010 ]
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