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[02 Nov 2009|07:42pm]
Now accepting holds and applications!

Heritage is a remote community in northwestern Oregon, situated along the shores of Heritage Lake. Millionaire Cleveland Pickens built the Heritage Lake Lodge in 1910 as a hotel and resort for folks who just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. He wanted The Lodge to be an oasis -- a luxury lodging facility in tune with the natural world and with the grandeur of nature as close as the backyard.

The town of Heritage originally sprang up around The Lodge and Heritage Lake as a community to house the resort workers. What started as temporary housing expanded to a permanent town structure by the 1950s. Resort workers married, started families, and had children. The town grew, and though there are many local businesses and schools, the economy of the town still relies greatly on the success of the Heritage Lake Lodge -- because of the jobs it provides and the tourism it brings to the area.

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[ viewing | November 2nd, 2009 ]
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