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[29 Jul 2009|11:30am]


♫♫ Are you looking for a game where you can play your character anyway you want?
♫♫ A game that has no cliques or predetermined groups?

This is a game where anything goes and where you can feel at home playing as you want. We have no groups or cliques to make you feel left out.

♫ ♫ We welcome all types of writers, even the beginner. Because role playing should be FUN!!!
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a new high school rpg [29 Jul 2009|12:54pm]

central high school is a small public school on the east coast of the united states. inside the doors of this all-male school, ten stereotypes roam the halls in a major drama-fest. will you become the druggie who sells for a few extra bucks? will you become the school slut, who's dipped his fingers in everyone's pie? will you become the quiet bookworm in the center of a love triangle?

[info]typiqual is a new, slash-only, high school rpg revolving around the "typical" high school stereotypes. it's a small, intermediate-level community in search of mature players. we're currently accepting both celebs and played-bys! first adds to the community begin wednesday, july twenty-ninth.

rules || application || taken//held || the list || mod contact
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[29 Jul 2009|05:59pm]

rules/info ~ taken/held ~ application ~ types of immortals

Vampires vs Werewolves? Think again. Throughout the centuries, it has always been just simply... vampires. Four different types of vampire races battling for countless decades, trying to prove who is the better evolution. join the battle.

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[29 Jul 2009|08:44pm]

Sons of Cain|OOC|Mod Journal

Premise | Application
Character List | Wanted & Held
Location Info|Premise
A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2033. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.
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[29 Jul 2009|09:34pm]
the kingdom of regaling, an au multifandom rp )
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[ viewing | July 29th, 2009 ]
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