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[18 May 2009|01:09am]

Welcome to Reading. It's a place where the sun is always shining, and people always have a place to be. Where people dress up to leave the house, and always have something interesting to talk about. Where nursery rhymes aren't just in books, it's where they are alive. It's where you can find Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall, and an old lady who lives in a shoe. If one could step into the world of fiction, you'd find yourself in Reading. Life here can be magical and terrible all at once. Reality in Reading is not always realistic. And things are not always as they seem.

Underneath the sunny exterior lies a much darker Reading. The only thing bigger than the rhymes themselves, are the crimes that seem to surround them.

the premise - the rules - character list - application - faq - wanted characters

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Quadrivium [18 May 2009|06:15am]

Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Quadrivium RPG

“The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.” –J.R.R. Tolkien

Halloween, 1981, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell at the hands of one-year old Harry Potter, bringing an end to a decade long reign of terror, to the relief of the entire Wizarding World. Death Eaters were imprisoned, wounds healed, and the Wizarding World spent the next decade healing from the pain of the first war. Yet, Voldemort was not truly defeated that night. He will rise once more, bringing upon another viscous war upon the Wizarding World.

Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, but until now, the story of what happened in between has been unknown.

It is 1990, the year before Harry Potter will discover he is a Wizard. Professor Quirrell is off to Albania where he will become a vessel for the weakened Dark Lord, Charlie Weasley and his friends are in their sixth-year at Hogwarts, and the foundation for the future is being paved.

They are at a crossroads, the road behind them broken and wilting. The road ahead lies a mystery, which paths will they chose? Who will they become? Only one thing is certain; they must continue on.

Quadrivium is a canon compliant Harry Potter Interim Era game taking place in 1990. Game opened May 09, 2009.

Most Wanted: Marcus Flint, Hestia Jones, Terrence Higgs, Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Quirinus Quirrell, Andromeda and Ted Tonks, Sybill Trelawney, Bill, Percy, and Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!
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[18 May 2009|07:48pm]


Taken Characters
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Game Wiki
Rules & Faqs
Contact List


Your name:
Your age:
Your Email + AIM/Yahoo:

Your character:

Character Journal Name:
Brief History:
Lower City or Higher City:
Roleplay Sample: (Third or First Person)

Once Finished, email to [] and add your journal to the communities!

If you are already in the game:

Character Name:
Lower City or Higher City:

Welcome to Raccoon City!

First there was the disaster at the lab, then the infection of Raccoon City and the nuclear bombing of it. Over the years Umbrella's effect on the world continued through the new company TriCell Pharmaceuticals. They rebuilt the city and other big cities to hopefully keep the monsters that lived at bay.

Safe from most of the danger, life continued on in Raccoon City Heights. Human life could thrive, travel and live the way they used to before all of this, a decade later after the incident.

[info]raccoon__city is a Panfandom based in Resident's Evil Raccoon City after it's been rebuilt. It's basically a social game with a little bit of scary stuff and R-Rated fun! All characters are welcome! Characters can go to school, have jobs, go to college and travel! The game is Open now! Please come!

[info]rc_ooc, [info]rc_comm, [info]raccoon__city

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[18 May 2009|09:40pm]

Sons of Cain|OOC|Mod Journal

Premise | Application
Character List | Wanted & Held | Location Info|Premise
A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2033. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.
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[ viewing | May 18th, 2009 ]
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