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[01 May 2009|11:31am]
WTF?! RP - Not your typical Harry Potter Roleplay
Setting. Rules. Holds. Application.

Game Opened: April 1, 2009! Celebrating our 1 month anniversary.

WTF?! is a 'Harry Potter' afterlife-based roleplaying game set on its own island, called Sointula. It takes some of the clichés found so often in the fandom and in 'Potter' RPs and revels in them.

Four gods have set this island up so that they can observe peoples' daily lives. Think of it like a game of 'Sims' for the dead. The gods pick and choose who they want on their island for their own reasons and may or may not help people. They do whatever they want, because they can.

Note, though, that there's a lot of weirdness in this game. It's not your typical 'put everybody from the canon together in one place' type of setting. Modern Muggle technology is everywhere, and everyone who shows up on the island will know how to use that modern tech.

The game is quirky but not silly. There will be comedic storylines, and there will be dramatic storylines. It's all up to the players.

This game is looking for creative people who are willing to work within some set parameters and explore the possibilities of the fandom's clichés. Some aspects of your character's life on the island will be set by the gods when that character is accepted. If you're not comfortable with playing things that aren't determined by you, don't bother applying. It's not a crack game, despite it's name and setting, but it's also not 'high drama, all the time.' It needs players who have enough time to give to the game to develop their characters and storylines, not those who apply to every new game that starts up and never put in any quality time on any game because their creativity is spread too thin.

Characters that aren't active, or who only interact with one or two other characters, will be removed. That doesn't mean your character has to thread with every single person in the game, but you have to at least make an effort to have them talk to and interact with characters outside of those they were involved with in the novels. If you enjoy taking the canon characters outside of their comfort zones, exploring new possibilities, and you enjoy quality RP in an unusual setting, this game could be for you.

If you're looking for the same old tired stuff, go elsewhere.

Every character from the 'HP' canon is open for play, wizard, Muggle, or whatever, but be sure to read the Rules, Setting, Posting Guidelines, and Taken Characters & PB Lists, before applying.

I'm a harsh guy when it comes to my rules. If you give me crap, I'll give it back to you. I don't care who you are, or how your popular you are in the fandom, or how many games you're in, or how many times you've played 'X' character in games, or how long you've been RPing, or if you write fanfic that makes people squeal. I don't care.

Once you've read the threads, and you're still interested in applying, here's the Application.
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