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[24 Jan 2009|12:31am]

They weren't sure what caused it, just that it happened. A spill. Not lethal-- not enough to kill anyone. It was hardly enough to make anyone sick, really. So the powers that be, let it be. It was going to be too hard to clean up anyways. And the public turmoil it would have caused--! Too much trouble for one little, teensy mishap. It wasn't hard to cover it up. They made up for the lost chemicals by claiming they used too much in another project. When push came to shove, the scientists at the plant went into great (fake) detail, and no more questions were asked.

It wasn't until they realized that it'd gotten into the drinking supply that they started getting worried. People began showing up at the clinics and the hospital with shortness of breath, stomach bugs, and headaches. 'These things are normal in the summer months,' the doctors told the patients, and they went home unhelped. Sure, they were normal-- stomach bugs and headaches. But was it normal for a cut to heal overnight? Or fire to just spontaneously burst from a hand? Doubtful.

And it wasn't just a few people. It was the entire town of Bristol, Massachusetts that was affected. Everyone who had a sip to drink from the tap or cooked spaghetti or showered. Everyone.

How will the town cope with their new powers? Will they take advantage of them or refuse to embrace their fates? Will the entire population turn into a giant battle of good vs. evil?

One thing is for sure. There's something in the water....
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The Marked [24 Jan 2009|12:49pm]

Premise | Taken | Held | Rules | Application
What makes a person good? What makes them evil? Is it their actions, or do ends justify means? Is it something that is at the core of every person? Are you born one way or the other? Is there truly a right and wrong side to every thing? What even defines "good" or "evil"? Is it inherent or is it something forced upon us? Perhaps it is simply the sum of everything we're faced with.

What side would you find yourself on if everything you'd ever known was stripped away? What happens when your world has been reset and all you have are your memories of the life you've been taken from? What if you discovered you were just a pawn in some bigger player's game? Would you change? Would you join forces with a serial killer or turn your back on a hero to get to the bottom of a problem bigger than you? Or would you do nothing at all?

The Marked is a multi-fandom game. Unlike most other games in this genre, we endorse canon portrayals of your favorite characters and we also provide a working plot for you and your characters to participate in.

Anticipated game restart January 31st

Applications now being accepted
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[24 Jan 2009|05:18pm]

On January 1st 2008, 100 people gave up a year of their lives to science. Each person was told that they would be part of a social experiment. Each person believed that their experiment was the only one. Each person believed that they would not be expected to deal with anything they couldn’t handle.

Each person was wrong.

At the beginning of September 2008, the authorities shut the experiments down and it was only then that the full extent began to come to light. There had not been one experiment, but five. And there were more than the original 100 people involved. As well as the original subjects, the scientists who ran the experiments had supplemented and replaced as people had dropped out and, in more than a handful of cases, died.

Nobody knew what the purpose of the experiments was, but one thing became clear very quickly – the participants were all severely traumatised by their experiences. And so they were each made an offer. They would each receive counselling, together with anything which they had been promised by the scientists in the way of financial compensation. They would be housed and given the opportunity to slowly reintegrate into society. Each participant was encouraged to agree to this and a town specifically provided to house them all. This way they would be surrounded by people who had been through similar experiences, as well as trained counsellors and ‘normal’ people employed to move to the town and supplement the participants, running stores and the town structure. Participants were encouraged to obtain employment, or given the opportunity to enroll in distance learning schemes. To get on with their lives, but to do so in isolation, distanced from the rest of the world.

The question was, was it actually over? Were they actually free? Or had the experiment simply moved on to the next stage?

Was this all just still a test?

The Game

reEcho is a game set in the aftermath of the closure of the experiments. Surviving participants and interns from the experiments have been moved to the town for an indeterminate amount of time. For the first time, both participants and interns have been told where in the world they are - previously the location had not been revealed to them.

The official line is that they are being asked to 'voluntarily' move to the town until the logistics and red tape of so many people of different nationalities, most of whom are highly traumatised, can be sorted out. Added to the participants and interns are volunteers - people who have come from all over the world to aid those recently rediscovered and help the town to run properly. The volunteers come from all walks of life - from medical and legal professionals, to bankers, butchers, bakers, plumbers - whatever is needed.

What nobody realises though, is that things are not actually be over. At first, the town runs much as expected, then suddenly, one day, overnight, everything changes and the people in town wake up to find that the town they had just been getting used to has been abandoned by everyone who was meant to be helping them - everyone save for a handful of volunteers who were as clueless as everyone else as to what was going on. And then things started to get increasingly weird...

Game Information

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[24 Jan 2009|10:01pm]
I've given my journal a bit of a spit polish and, in the process, realized how many lines I'd lost or how many are slower paced. I don't mind a slower pace, as I realize many people have busy schedules, it gives me time for more writing for the durations where I'm online.

In short, I'd like one or two more PSLs that won't die out. I prefer things that are plot centric and literate. I have some ideas in my journal or I'm more than willing to brainstorm with people. I have PB and an extensive fandom list in my journal, so check it, please!
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[24 Jan 2009|11:16pm]

Useful Links:

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In New York, there lies a small town called Farmingdale, or to most of the younger residents there; F’dale. F’dale is your normal, small, quiet neighborhood. Its high school is known for their amazing lacrosse team, Dalers, but that’s basically it. They do not stand out on the map, and they do not want to. They like being their own, little quiet place. Frankly, they do not like being disturbed. But secretly, they are being watched. By who? Nobody knows. But it doesn’t matter because they have no idea that they are being watched, right?

Not necessarily.

In the year 2000, a large blackout was spread across New York, and during that time, people were disappearing from their sleep in Farmingdale. When they came back, they had a mysterious scar somewhere on their body, but they have no memory of being kidnapped. They go on with their lives like nothing happened, because frankly, they didn’t know anything happened, until one day weird things start to happen. They start to develop an ability; a paranormal ability. They have no explanation for it except for that scar. Not like that would help.

So far, nobody has been killed by their powers. Some people are still being kidnapped, but they return home safely within five days with only a scar and their memories of it erased.

Farmingdale’s color was previously green representing the Dalers, but with all the kidnappings, it earned the name Black Farmingdale.


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