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Avengers [06 Jan 2019|02:41am]

After Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to save Earth from being overtaken by the Dark Dimension, everything seemed back to normal. But the warnings against manipulating time are coming back to haunt him: "Temporal manipulations create branches in time and unstable dimensional openings." No one realized that time had already branched off...not until dimensional openings cause people to suddenly and inexplicably arrive in New York City. Those that died before are now coming back to life. Threats of the past can take form again. The bill comes due. Always. And the lives of Earth's mightiest heroes are about to get a lot more complicated...

AVENGERS is a MCU game based in New York City that will explore the entire MCU universe. There will be damage. Future movies and TV series will be relevant. First time RPers welcome. Journal Codes available. 18+ only, Rated M for Mature.
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