October 30th, 2011

[info]papillonmods in [info]projectpapillon

004 • One plot ends, another begins

Hey Everyone!

We're ending the monster plot a little early, so the monsters are going to be disappearing at midnight tonight. But never fear, Papillonians! There is another plot starting up at midnight. So, everyone likes Halloween candy, right? Great. I'm sure all the characters will be enjoying some candy on this most festive of days.

Who's seen the Band Candy episode of Buffy? If you haven't, don't worry, it's not anything that you have to watch to understand the plot. Basically, anyone who eats Halloween candy over the next couple days is going to be affected. And yes, this includes all those discount bags of candy stores have that people buy the day. Anyone who does eat the candy will start acting a little differently. Nothing big at first. They're just going to be less inhibited and more carefree. This is meant to be a fairly lighthearted plot but, obviously, there can be more serious reactions depending on characters situations.

  • The effect of the candy is basically to make characters act like they did as teenagers. This doesn't necessarily mean they'll act crazier, just more like they did when they were younger. Be creative with this. They'll also be less inhibited.
  • For characters who never were teenagers, the effect will obviously be a little different. They'll be less inhibited and mature and they'll generally act younger. There's no set way they have to react, just keep in mind the spirit of the plot.
  • The more candy a person eats, the stronger effect it will have on them. If a character only eats a few pieces, the impact won't be as pronounced. But if they have a real sweet tooth and eat two bags of candy, they will be affected to a greater degree.
  • This is just a personality regression. Characters aren't going to forget their adult lives. They're just going to behave more like teenagers.
  • Teenage stereotypes are welcome, encouraged and hilarious.
  • Try not to have characters put two and two together right away. Try and give the candy some time to work its magic before people start shouting for everyone to burn their candy.
  • Have fun.

The plot will run through November 6 at midnight, so enjoy the opportunity to mess with your characters.

♥ - The Mods