Pro SI's Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Pro SI's InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, December 18th, 2010
    11:39 pm
    Cut cut cut *bleeeeedd* *___* -pets the shiny and puts it back in it's box- Thank you shiny!!~~
    Wednesday, October 20th, 2010
    1:58 am
    Pro SI
    I started this Pro SI group for anyone who wants to join. It's not a support group for quitting but I plan to discuss having self control while even in the act itself. I like insane journal better than anywhere else because I write whatever I want here, the name is so free-ing.

    If anyone wants to join my group that's cool, but to keep it on topic I will probably delete posts about quitting. Talking about how long it's been since the last cut might be okay to a point but if I feel it's more about regretting the act than just reminiscing based on opportunity or something I'll discuss it then at that time. Regret is not the best thing in the world after all. ^_^
    12:30 am
    Just pulled a new blade out of a razor.
    I'm loving the fact that the new blade is sharp and I didn't have to "try" to cut. ^__^ pressure on the blade seems to take away the sense of the pain too. x_x;

    I didn't even bother waiting til the blood stopped just got my absorbent shorts under my pajamas.


    Sorry for not having a layout on this thing but I really do hope some people want to join. <_< it'd be stupid to have a group with no members. D= Perhaps if I get un-lazy I will make a layout @_@
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