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[03 Jun 2019|09:26pm]
Testing interest in a GoT GPSL set 20+ years after the show. Potential for Retconning is very much there but the general thought is all independent kingdoms and a council of kings to keep the peace.

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[25 May 2019|10:39pm]

would anyone play Bianca, Katya, Alaska, Adore, anyone queen against one of the madden brothers? I'm not picky on which queen, those are just a few of my favorites. Im open to other guys as well
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[17 May 2019|06:45pm]

Is there a Super Junior's Kyuhyun roleplayer here that would like to write a PSL with me? Because I’d give you all the cookies in the world and my eternal friendship for it. More info here.
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[17 May 2019|10:24am]

Currently seeking some lighthearted and fluffy lines, especially for Pokemon (particularly a canon x OC one, shameless to admit). Check the journal for info and contact me there if interested!
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[08 May 2019|04:21pm]

Looking for a femme soulmate psl for her.
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[06 May 2019|02:55pm]
Looking for a fresh line of the supernatural sort. Werewolf, vampire, demon, the works. Any sort of timeline/period welcomed. Slash or Het. Original characters only. Not looking for massive brain storming but would love to set the basis down in shared ideas and let the writing write for itself once we've begun. I can not tag on a daily basis due to life but active as much as I can now that things are calming down for me for the moment. Still, this would be my only line/PSL for now so you'd have my sole attention!

I love dark drama, romance, with healthy doses of smut. If playing male, I generally play big brutes with awkward teddy bear sides only for their s/o's, if female, I like sassy non-chic in distress sorts. In dominant/submissive situations I can switch, but prefer dominant. Come discuss!

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[12 Apr 2019|11:28am]

I'd love a PSL where Peggy is Captain America.
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[09 Apr 2019|04:46am]
i don't care at this point who i play him against, as long as your a fan thats fine. i just want to write and have fun. there's a screened post to comment if anyone is interested
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[06 Apr 2019|06:20pm]

I have gathered a list of Prompts I think could potentially make great PSLs. I also have a few other ideas listed here

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[31 Mar 2019|01:05pm]
trying one last time for someone either in daveys circle a fan/celeb even groupie/celeb, trans or drag queen against him. I'm definitely open to new faces and familiar ones
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[22 Feb 2019|01:35pm]

They put the Twilight series on Hulu and along with being reminded of how AWFUL a lot of the acting was I was also reminded of how much I loved the premise and lore(except for the sparkling part- I can't get on board with that). I’m looking for something against one of the wolves, preferably Paul. I’m interested in playing an OC. I love expanding lines and playing multiple characters, so I’d totally be up for playing an additional character of your choosing.
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[06 Feb 2019|05:28pm]

Currently seeking a canon x OC Pokemon or Dragon Ball Z line, or modern-day superhero dealie. Check the journal for info, and contact me there if interested!
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[05 Feb 2019|10:22pm]

Searching for Wolverine al la Hugh Jackman! xposted & screened comments
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[05 Feb 2019|03:49am]
something long term for davey havok, would love someone in his circle or a model. or even a fan/celeb type line
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[30 Jan 2019|04:37pm]

Looking for some lines for my Albus Potter. Looking for slash mostly but I have to say
I would love a poly line between Albus/Rose/Scorpius. Screened plot post here with more information on pairings I would love to play with.

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[29 Jan 2019|04:28pm]

Hi! I'm looking for a long-term dedicated partner in a romantic plot. I'd also like a partner who likes headcanons and talking ooc, since I believe communication between partners is important. More info here.
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[21 Jan 2019|09:19am]

Would anyone be interested in a het psl with Elle Fanning, Hailee Steinfeld or Maya Hawke? Maybe they’re both from different countries, perhaps meeting on holiday or during college?
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[02 Jan 2019|02:39pm]

Would love to find an arranged marriage line focused on the fact that neither party realizes how much they desire each other till something triggers a confession or moment of passion. It could be fantasy, historical, or AU modern royalty based

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[02 Jan 2019|04:13am]
looking for something long term for davey havok that wont die off after a day or two
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[20 Dec 2018|06:32am]

Creeping around for looking for a PSL partner or two; check the journal for my RP interests, wanted lines, and all that to see if anything vibes with you! I love spooky stuff ranging from funny and tongue-in-cheek to outright horror (as well as sci-fi and some very silly stuff.)

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