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Melodies of Life (Active) [Sep. 11th, 2009|07:40 pm]

Who: Zidane ([info]thiefmaster) and OPEN
What: Muse is bugging me. >.>;;
When: Whenever....
Where: CW setting.
Warnings: Who knows?

It's kind of like a lost and found / In a border town / You're askin' about a diamond ring...  )
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Family of sharks [Aug. 28th, 2009|11:37 am]

Who: Akito, Akito/Agito, Agito, Akito/Agito/Lind, ect.
What: Muncest with the shark(s)
When: Now
Where: None; just a random city thats between CW, Downbelow and DRs xD;;
Warnings: Agito, Agito, Agito, Agito, Lind...

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Here kitty kitty [Aug. 7th, 2009|01:27 pm]
Who: Taokaka [info]mewmewmix  and Cheshire [info]greinen 
What: Jade and Aki/Agi shouldn't be the only ones taking over this comm
When: Neow
Where: ..CW setting
Warnings: Kitty cats

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Recover [ACTIVE] [Feb. 7th, 2009|08:40 pm]
Who: KAITO ([info]ukerobo); OPEN
What: Recovering after attacking X and being attacked
When: Sometime during/after the Soap Opera curse
Where: Hotel/Hangar (Clockwork)
Warnings: Talks of character deaths, possible gore, minor angst? idfk I'm bored. D|

Creeper in my home // Crawled in through the window // I grabbed the kitchen knife // Couldn't stick it in // No, Creeper had his own // Shining in the moonlight // My home was very cold // And something didn't feel right )
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Flying without wings~ [Active] [Feb. 7th, 2009|12:01 pm]

Who: Akito/Agito ([info]sky_shark) and Jade ([info]necromance_this)
What: Continuing on with the giant log of dewm that IJ ate :l
When: ...debatable
Where: In and out of Akgi's room
Warnings: You name it, we've probably either done it or are going to. Swearing, charrie death, curses. Yeah. Giant log is decidedly random

It's little things that only I know / Those are the things that make you mine / And it's like flying without wings / Cos you're my special thing / I'm flying without wings )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2009|09:01 am]

Who: Akito/Agito ([info]sky_shark), Jade ([info]necromance_this) and Rtas ([info]shipmaster)
What: Random log no #5486524
When: When I say so
Where: Hallways around Clockwork to start
Warnings: Agito most likely, otherwise TBA

And guys, this is why you never let Fort start the log )
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A Fair Test To This World [Dec. 30th, 2008|03:39 am]
Who: Estellise "Estelle" [info]aretsofhealing and OPEN
What: Testing of a new muse~ (most likely for CW, lol...)
When: Now
Where: Where ever? Not going to specify, whoever shows up we can just use their world or scenery that they are in.
Warnings: TBA?

We finished them off! I finished them off. Huh? )
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the wretched blood runs through my veins, i gave up everything for fame [Dec. 26th, 2008|04:55 pm]
[mood | bored]

Who: Taku ([info]ju_ichi) and Kazu ([info]underjet)
What: idk. chilling.
When: Now
Where: somewhere. let's say a city or something. we should really come up with a setting for this place.
Warnings: possibly crazy. and cursing.

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Don't turn away. Don't try to hide. [Dec. 26th, 2008|04:38 pm]
Who: Selim Bradley([info]pridefulsin) and Open
What: A new face to this new place
When: Now
Where: A city somewhere...no where specific
Warnings: With this little boy? xD Come on. My fail?

Don't turn out the light. )
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All as one [Dec. 26th, 2008|08:27 am]

Who: Agito ([info]lone_fang), Akito ([info]sharkling) and Lind ([info]fangking)
What: Mass reunion, complete with confusion, amusement and epic do not want
When: Now!
Where: Somewhere in DB
Warnings: Lotsa swearing, potentially flirting. Idk.

One, two, three. Supposed to be as one, yet not )
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Three's a crowd [Dec. 22nd, 2008|10:34 pm]

Who: Lind ([info]sky_shark) and whoever turns up~
What: Muse won't shut up, therefore log
When: Nao!
Where: Rooftop of Wing A
Warnings: Swearing, otherwise TBA

But I can still remember what his face looked like / When I found him in an alley in the middle of the night / Tell me what you know / Tell me what you've gone and done now )
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