Prideview Apartments

September 9th, 2008

Prideview Apartments


September 9th, 2008

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Who: Virginia and Gabriel Gray
What: Reuniting
Where: Virginia's apartment
When: Tonight, after her intro post
Rating: TBD, but probably not high
Status: Started

Gabriel Gray. That name was a familiar one, and one that she hadn't known she would miss as much as she did, after less than a day. Virginia Gray was still adjusting to the idea that this place was supposed to be home, at least for a little while. Her son was here, too . . . older, all grown up, but he was still her Gabriel. He was here, and he was coming to see her. The thought made Virginia feel a little better. At least her Gabriel was still hers, and she could take care of him here. He might not be the little boy of eight she knew and wanted everything for, but he was still her son and she would do anything necessary to make sure he got everything he deserved. She would see to it that he lived up to his potential, no matter what.

That, though, was not the point of tonight. No, tonight was just about seeing him again, and meeting this adult man who was her little boy.
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