Prideview Apartments

September 7th, 2008

Prideview Apartments


September 7th, 2008

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WHO: Gabriel Gray & Clio
WHAT: Clio explains to Gabriel the situation that he has found himself in.
WHERE: In Gabriel's (new) apartment.
STATUS: In Progress

It had been his day off. He almost always slept in on his day off, but when he's woken up this time, he had found himself in an apartment that was clearly not his own. As he stepped out of the bedroom, he hadn't realized it until he reached the living and sitting areas and found the walls to be completely bare rather than covered with the bookshelves that decorated his own apartment. Confused and disoriented, he'd been able to find his glasses. He wasn't sure why he'd went to the computer sitting in the corner first. He'd rarely ever used them beyond very small tasks or word processing, but he'd figured in the end that it would have been his best bet to find out what had happened.

It seemed that he was right, and he'd headed to the small kitchenette to find something, anything. He counted himself lucky that there was a small box of tea bags in the cabinet. They weren't ideal, but they would be better than nothing. Now, all he had to do was wait for Clio to arrive.

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Who: Peter Petrelli and Zoe Sommerfield
What: Comfort, and Peter explains about Gabriel
Where: Peter's apartment
When: Last night, after Gabriel Gray's intro post.
Rating: TBD. With these two it could go anywhere from snuggling to smexing XD
Status: Started

Peter was upset. That was all Zoe needed to know, to get her up and off her computer. Whatever was going on with this Gabriel Gray guy, it had Peter upset, and the thought worried her. Ever since she'd arrived here, he'd been a constant presence in her life, and by now she knew just how much he meant to her. She loved Peter Petrelli, and if he was upset, that made it her problem too. He seemed almost . . . well, scared, when it came to her talking to Gabriel. And when he had agreed that he needed her to come over, that was all she needed. Closing down her computer, Zoe ran a hand through her dark hair before getting up and throwing on a pair of pajama pants and a tank top. She didn't really think she needed to dress up for Peter, tonight; that wasn't the point of this, anyway. Pulling her dark hair back out of her face with a ponytail holder, she pulled on some sandals and grabbed up her keys, locking up the apartment.

It was a short walk down the hall to Peter's apartment, and she smiled softly to herself before knocking on the door. Whatever was going on, she was going to do everything she could to make Peter feel better.
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