Prideview Apartments

July 27th, 2008

Prideview Apartments


July 27th, 2008

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Who: Tonks and Kingsley
When: Night of the 27th
Where: Kingsley's place
What: Pouncing and hanging out
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

Tonks slipped on her shoes and grabbed her keys slipping them in her pocket and slipped her wand in the top of her combat boot. She had heard the story of the blown off buttocks enough from Moody that it had, after all this time, sunk in. She just couldn't put her wand in her back pocket anymore with out the horrible thought of how difficult it would be to sit down if she was missing a rear cheek.

The trip to Kingsley was dangerous...though walking for Tonks was dangerous. She tripped twice, managed to get her shirt caught in the lift, and instead of knocking managed to headbutt the door when she tripped on her untied boot. Everyday in the life of Nymphadora Tonks was filled with hazards. She would probably be picking herself up off the floor when Kingsley answered the door.
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