Prideview Apartments

July 3rd, 2008

Prideview Apartments


July 3rd, 2008

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Who: Fenrir and Teddy
What: It's Fenrir -- so general creepiness abound.
When: Late tonight
Where: Teddy's flat
Rating: At least R.

All right, so the kid had more self-control than he'd first thought. Teddy hadn't come over to his flat for the hour it had been open and for a fleeting moment Fenrir had been disappointed ... before he remembered exactly whose son he was. It was at that point that he'd pushed himself up to his feet and headed to Teddy's door after giving him a quick look-up on the apartment directory. That was where he was now, standing in front of of the door and attempting to calm himself ... well, down. It was normal to be excited for fresh meat, he argued, but not so normal to literally attack it the moment that he got the chance. After a few more deep breaths, he lifted his hand knocked hard.

When Teddy looked through the hole (or the gap in the door, depending on how careful and clever he was) he would catch an eyeful of Fenrir leaning on the doorframe and attempting to look casual, however well that went over.
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