Prideview Apartments

May 17th, 2008

Prideview Apartments


May 17th, 2008

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WHO: Adam Monroe & Jeanette
WHERE: Tower Two; Eighth Floor
WHEN: May 17th; Night

Adam had been keeping to himself lately. All those years in solitary confinement had conditioned him to being alone, and now that he wasn't forced to be, he found that it was a lot easier to actually enjoy solitude. Music, a book, some good wine, all of the luxuries that he'd been denied for so long, even if it was talking a walk to stretch his legs and clear his mind. And that was what he was currently doing in the hallway outside the rooms on the eighth floor of tower two.

He didn't have any destination in mind. He was just walking from one each of the hall to the other because he could, because he didn't have to keep himself confined to one room anymore. Even if pacing in the hallways wasn't exactly freedom, but there was no reason for him to drag himself out into the New York night air just because he was feeling a bit restless.

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WHO: Zach and Kitty
WHERE: Kitty's apartment
WHEN: Friday Night
STATUS: Incomplete

Zach went and got dressed excited to see Kitty again something he kept to himself. Really why give Claire more teasing ammo? It wasn't his fault he was crushing on the girl, was it? He just liked her and she could make him laugh and it wasn't like he asked her to be his girlfriend, yet anyway. That was one of those things he could be found practicing in front of the mirror saying, or replaying it in his mind. Once dried off and dressed so he wasn't showing up in a towel wrapped around his waist he took the elevator up.

He paused and made sure he didn't look ridiculous and went and rang Kitty's bell and waited for her to open up.
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