Prideview Apartments

January 25th, 2008

Prideview Apartments


January 25th, 2008

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WHO: Mick St. John and Beth Turner
WHERE: Beth's Apartment
WHEN: Right after this.
STATUS: Complete

True to his word, as soon as he sent his message on the forum, he was out the door, delayed only by grabbing his coat and keys. Rather than wait for the elevator, he took the stairs, jumping down a flight at a time. In under a minute, he was at her door, not quite ready to knock.

It occurred to him that he never asked for her apartment number, and she'd never given it. He didn't need her to tell him; he already knew it, ever since the night he found out Beth moved into the apartment complex. He'd been watching her, as he had done before they finally "met". Unknown, but probably felt, just like he could feel her. Making sure she was safe, and that if she needed him, he'd be there. She needed him now.
Why did you run, when I'm right here? )
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