Prideview Apartments

January 16th, 2008

Prideview Apartments


January 16th, 2008

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Who: River Tam - open
What: Her freaking out
Where: on the roof top
When: Nowish.
Warnings: TBD

Other people with her face had seriously freaked her out, somewhere in the darker parts of her brain, she remembered that they were things out there that supposedly stole your face. Took your life. And now she was under the impression she didn't really have a face at all. It'd been taken. Twice. And that brought every voice and emotion she'd been trying to hold off flooding back.

River had ran out of the apartment, fleeing really because it felt too closeted in there. She had to breathe, and so she climbed the stairs faster then she normally did until she got to the roof. The door had closed and locked behind her more or less but she'd been up there since late last night and no one knew about it. She was sitting on the ledge with her arms and hands over her ears, mumbling to herself, wanting it to stop.

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WHO: Rosa del Valle and The Joker
WHERE: Joker's penthouse
WHEN: Wednesday evening
STATUS: Incomplete

As promised, Rosa had hurried. It had taken a few minutes to pack the tamales into the plastic containers along with a quart of milk and what was probably a pie. When she was packed up, she pulled a sweater over her long white skirt and tank-top (she was still accustomed to dressing like they did in Chile) and headed down the hallway to the room that Senor Joker had told her to visit.

She lifted her hand a knocked quietly, shuffling her feet at the door. Yes, she was aware that it was a bit ... silly to be visiting a room that she'd never been to before, but the man had sounded a bit ... off. Like he needed someone to take care of him. And that was what Rosa did best.
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