Prideview NYC

October 15th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: New York City


October 15th, 2008

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Who: Liir and anyone else who'd like to come by [open!]
What: A bit of exploring
Where: Union Square Market
When: Wednesday afternoon and early evening
Rating: PG at the moment.

He had ventured outside of the apartment building, legs itching curiously to see this strange new world he was in. He was struck by the strange newness of certain features, grown like moss on the ancient stump of Civilization. The great mechanical devices that littered the streets, odd self-contained locamotives, were nothing to the massive buildings that towered above all and the overbright signs and flags that hung above every inch.

Eventually, however, he'd found something familiar enough: an open market, filled with fresh produce and farm-provided meats, cheeses and wines and pots full of fragrant flowers. The variety of items was almost dizzying and his lack of funds made it less entertaining than it might be, but the benches provided were free enough even if there was a pack of girls some few seats away who kept looking at him oddly.

A City. It was a City. He'd just have to learn this one as he'd learned the Emerald.
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