Prideview NYC

August 6th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: New York City


August 6th, 2008

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Who: Jonathan Crane and Harley Quinn
Where: A vaguely private meeting place
When: Now
Rating: TBD

He was taking a huge risk, even inviting disaster into his personal life simply by holding this meeting with Dr. Quinzel. Still, Jonathan Crane was more prone than ever to take risks after the attack on the Narrows. A man with little to lose rarely hesitates in putting it all on the line. So he had called Harleen Quinzel, agreeing to meet someone that was public (for cover) but not too public (for an entirely different type of cover). Nervously, he waited, mouth dry.

He wasn't afraid. Oh no. He was above such emotion. Fear controlled human psychology, but he was much better than that. So why did the persona of fear control him?

Except it didn't, no sir. He was his own man. Crazy, but determined to move on with his life. And besides, if he tried really hard most people didn't notice he wasn't all there.

What could possibly go wrong?
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