Prideview NYC

February 4th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: New York City


February 4th, 2008

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WHO: Gabriel Gray & Satan
WHERE: Random ice cream shop in New York City
WHEN: Monday morning around 11
RATING: R, maybe?
STATUS: In progress

Why yes, the man known as Sylar was sitting in the back corner of an ice cream shopping, eating a bowl of ice cream, complete with rainbow sprinkles. Did he care that it was 36 degrees and snowing lightly outside? Heck no! He was a psychopath. He didn't care what society deemed normal! Yes, the attendant behind the counter had given him a look as if to say 'Are you crazy?' when he'd placed his order, but he'd merely smiled creepily at her and she'd promptly shut up and gotten him his damn ice cream. He'd had to bitch at her for nearly leaving off his precious sprinkles, but she quickly corrected her error and even gave him free whipped cream.

He'd thanked her politely and then taken his seat, facing the door, his back to the wall. In that position, he was content to watch the people coming in through the door, safe and secure in the knowledge that no one could sneak up on him.

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WHO: Mick St. John and Heather Kessler
WHERE: Impero, Heather's Fetish Club
WHEN: Monday evening
RATING: R for violence and bloodshed
STATUS: Complete

Not for the kiddies )
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