April 10th, 2012

[info]ciaran_greene in [info]priceofpeace

Who: Ciaran, Moira, and June
What: Ciaran's schedule is a mess
Where: Clarity, Greene Household
When: Saturday morning, after the party

Read more... )

[info]saintofpeace in [info]priceofpeace

Who: Richard and Bridget
Where: Hacker HQ, will be more specific soon
When: Monday Afternoon
Rating: Low with likelly language warnings.

The corruption had run deeper than he had expected. Way deeper. )

[info]blackbirdblues in [info]priceofpeace

Who: Fred and Lola Thurston
What: Family Dinner
Where: Fred's place
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Sure you don't want another helping? )