Prepublished: Free reading for you, to help suppor's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Prepublished: Free reading for you, to help suppor's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, May 18th, 2010
    8:54 pm
    Welcome to prepublished
    If your a reader wondering if this whole community is con, it isn't. I will get prepublished authors HERE. I will. How? Because I know a lot...I am one.

    So what's the difference, between prepublished and fun original fiction?

    Authors who are actually seeking publishing are here ONLY. Authors who are querying, gathering agents, and waiting for publication. Authors who have edited their works to the ends of the Earth. Authors who have had positive affirmation for their works.

    Authors who you might see in your local bookstore one day. Imagine, being able to say, "Wow. Hey, I think I've read that somewhere already. In fact, hey I actually talked to that author."

    I will try to keep this more even for other Authors by including genres of every kind. My first interview with Jessica L. Degarmo takes place on May 31, 2010. Genres for her work include Romance, Chicklit and Comedy.

    Next interview will be anything but that. So if you are into Romance, comedy or chicklit, now is the perfect time to join.

    I am really trying to get the word 'out there' so if even one person joins, you'll be welcomed with open arms.:)

    Tomorrow I'll post where to find Jessica L. Degarmo's work. Or, you can always check out the blog associated with this journal.

    Current Mood: amused
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