October 23rd, 2011


[No Subject]

Who: Fabian and open
What: erm... dancing... definitely arriving, late.
When: Saturday night
Where: the masquerade ball - brief stint in the hospital wing.
Warnings: TBD
Status: Incomplete

I wanna be your boy )

[No Subject]

Who: T & Lucy
What: enabling, lulz
When: Saturday night (backdated)
Where: outside the Great Hall --> the masquerade
Warnings: Language, definitely
Status: Incomplete

... )



[No Subject]

Who: Greta & Amos
What: Fixing and figuring out, etc.
Where: Hufflepuff dorms.
When: Friday evening after that spell wore off (backdated)
Warnings: TBD probably not much.
Status: In progress.

... )