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Saturday, August 19th, 2017

    Time Event
    Marauders!: An 80s AU

    Marauders! is an AU 80s game based upon three major 'fixes' to canon. First, Peter died rather than give up the Potters, and despite Voldemort ripping the secret from his mind that fateful Halloween night had a rather different outcome. James and Lily survived, and Voldemort is presumed dead. Harry's still got his scar, but Dumbledore says not to worry about it. Second, Regulus got the ring to Dumbledore and Dumbledore was able to destroy it without cursing himself. Regulus was presumed dead as well, but not everything is as it seems. Third, the Lestranges were defeated before they could drive the Longbottoms insane, and are currently languishing in Azkaban while the Longbottoms (among others) are alive and mostly well.

    Current Plots: Regulus Black is alive?! A new school year is starting, with brand new professors. The Cleansweep 7 is on the market, and a museum gala is upcoming. Oh, and there is possibly something shady going on at the Ministry. Why else would Lucius Malfoy be working on a War Memorial with Mary MacDonald?

    WANTED: Ted Tonks, Fabian Prewett, Arthur & Molly Weasley, Amelia Bones, Emmeline Vance, Ravenclaws & Hufflepuffs, Parents of trio-era characters

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