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Friday, June 2nd, 2017

    Time Event
    Three Broomsticks

    Hogsmeade, 2005 -> Seven years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Wizarding World is finally at peace. Things, overall, are good. There might still be quiet resentment of Purebloods, or discomfort at the fast pace the Wizarding World is modernizing, but over all things are good.

    The Three Broomsticks is a social game, with occasional wider-plots thrown in for color. Players are encouraged to create their own plots as well, and actively look for opportunities to develop their characters in a fast-paced game.

    To start, minor game-wide plots will be based in and around the village of Hogsmeade, where there has been an increase in theft over the last few weeks. Has someone's pet niffler gone rogue, or is there a more sinister motive to these thefts?

    IC comm . OOC comm . Mod journal

    Rules . Cast/Holds . Application . Wanted


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