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Thursday, December 5th, 2013

    Time Event
    The Second Wizarding War hit England hard. Tensions between wizards had never been higher. But the Dark Lord had been defeated, his Death Eaters scattered, killed, or arrested. The war was over but the worst was coming.

    A curse nearly destabilized that peace. An entire generation threatened. The Ministry then took drastic measures to protect their future. Pairing wizards and witches regardless of blood status and according to reproductive potential. Their children were now the future. But disappearances, strange bodies turning up, and wild magic are again on the horizon.

    This is a non-epilogue compliant Harry Potter game. The Trio Era kids are all grown up with their own adult children. Both generations are open for application. This is an evolving game concentrating on both storyline plot and every day social interactions.

    Canon and original characters.

    Kingsley is out, replaced by the esteemed Minister Obidiah Bones, former Head of the Department of Mysteries.
    The Prophet has broken a story that shows a new set of pairings and the potential return of: The Curse.
    Absit Omen: A Harry Potter RPG

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    Over a decade has passed since the Battle of Hogwarts. As the years have rolled on, life has gone back to normal for much of the magical world. But even the most optimistic witch or wizard knows that no peace can last forever.

    Not a single Dementor has been seen since the dark creatures were cast out from Azkaban after the end of the war. There were some bold enough to claim that they too had fallen alongside the Dark Lord, that their soul-sucking power had been broken once the Battle of Hogwarts had been won.

    But now, suddenly, there are reports of Dementors once more. An attack in Northumberland. Then another, in the streets of London. As panic starts to spread, the Minister calls for action. Not even witches or wizards of a darker magical persuasion -- those once thought to be their natural allies -- seem to be safe. Who or what has roused these creatures after all this time? Is there anything that the magical world can hope to do but fend off their next attack?

    Elsewhere, there are hints of even darker shadows. One can only hope that the ancient words of protection still work: Let there be no evil here.

    Absit Omen: A Harry Potter RPG

    Absit Omen is a Harry Potter play-by-post roleplaying game set in 2010. Writers may take up the part of original or canon characters from the Harry Potter series. For more information, visit our How to Join page.

    Characters Needed: Hogwarts students, recent Hogwarts graduates, Aurors, criminals, Gringotts Cursebreakers, canon and original characters, and many more!

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