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Monday, March 26th, 2012

    Time Event

    Harry Potter didn't invent fame. Celebrity has always been a hot commodity in the wizarding world and this elite class -- from Quidditch players to stage actors, from radio hosts to musicians -- are living the good life. A premiere here. A club opening there. A scandal in the papers everywhere. You may have wanted this life, you may have been born into it, or it may have been an accident you wish you could take back, but the fact remains that your name is the name on everybody’s lips. And if it’s not yet, then it’s going to be.

    Sensationalists is a next gen post-warts Harry Potter game for every witch or wizard who has ever wanted to make it in the entertainment industry – those that might, those that have, those that haven’t, and those that manage them.

    WANTED: Quidditch players, WWN radio show hosts, ACTORS, PR representatives, managers, journalists, and many more!

    premise | rules | taken parents | taken pbs | holds
    application | wanted | faq | ask box
    Game opens March 31st!
    NEW YORK CITY, NY. 1959|

    In 1959, the state and security of the nation has never been of more importance. Foreign dangers threaten to wash up on American shores from all sides. Wizards and witches of the United States of America find safety and security in the promises of the American Department of Magic, centered in New York City. Here, the nation's bravest wizards and witches join the ranks of an elite unit - the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The DMLE has the trust of the country, to protect and serve from anything that threatens the wizarding way of life, as well as protect those wishing to harm or compromise the safety of their muggle countrymen.

    But with the changing decade come changing issues, raised stakes, and problems brewing not only overseas, but from within the very country the DMLE has lived and died to fight for. The stakes have never been higher, as the dangers stack up from internal and external forces. Will the DMLE continue to hold the weight of the country nobly and bravely on their shoulders, or will they crumble from the pressure?

    Is failure an option? Not for America, and not for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

    The Department of Magic is an AU HARRY POTTER GAME, taking place in NYC in 1959, and is looking for Aurors, Hitwizards, and other DMLE personnel, as well as those working in the American Magical Library. We're a plot-heavy, driven game interested in worldbuilding and exploring a whole other side of the wizarding world and culture away from Harry Potter's home at Hogwarts.
    >> we've been expecting you | hogwarts-school.net

    WE ARE BEAUXBATONS | Our academie offers courses on everything from ceramics to drama and literature, while also preparing you to both look and act your best. Everything we do, we do with style, and our first-place win in the Inter-School dueling tournament is proof of that. Think you've got the looks and the drive to excel here? We've been expecting you.


    THREE YEARS AFTER the joint murders at Hogwarts and things seem to be settling down. While the students are not forgotten, life continues on. The school term came and went without any security issues, the most safe term in years.

    THE NEW MINISTRY has been making many changes to the laws and guidelines which shape the magical community, including the legalization of several previously-forbidden magical objects and substances. Also within the changes, legal retrials have seen many criminals exonerated for their crimes and released into the general populace.

    A MORE HANDS ON APPROACH by the Ministry has altered education at Hogwarts. They have placed a Head of Magical Education at the school, to help implement necessary changes to the curriculum. There are mixed reactions to his presence, but one thing is certain. Change is coming.

    BACK AT THE RANCH, students and adults alike are preparing for summer. For some, this means traveling abroad or visiting their parents -- for others, the summer campus has opened. And while those in charge of the Ministry have settled down for an easy summer, quiet whispers and rumors still flow between many students and even professors. Is all this change really for the better? Only time will tell.

    TERM BEGINS 01 MAY 2012


    Hogwarts School is one of the oldest Harry Potter RPGs still alive today. Started in 2000, we offer inter-house Quidditch matches, dueling tournaments, and writing-based classes as well as full-scale magical skill system. Our administrative team is active, and there is a formal ball held every term or other large-scale event.

    We also foster two smaller sister-schools to Hogwarts, Salem Institute and Beauxbatons Academy, now open for any player to join.

    During the summer, the castle closes and the players move to the Summer Campus, a small summer camp on the other side of the lake. We offer chatrooms (not to be confused with chatboxes) on all of our boards, and we encourage OOC participation in plots! Currently, our active member base around 80 players, and we're always looking for more. Check us out!


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