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Sunday, August 28th, 2011

    Time Event

    The war has only just stopped raging. Though the fires have been put out, the smoke has not yet cleared. From the ashes of corruption and deceit, a new Ministry rises with Kingsley Shacklebolt at the helm. The revolution is slow. There is much to do and, as usual, not enough time or resources to make everything happen all at once.

    Amidst the chaos, new beginnings blossom. Shacklebolt is busy revolutionizing every aspect of society. Even Hogwarts' established-for-centuries curriculum is being overhauled. Come September, the first of Shacklebolt's new educational initiatives will be introduced, to the delight of some, and the dismay of others.

    A mandatory eighth year of education has been implemented with the intention of better preparing the students for life after Hogwarts. A career counsellor has joined Hogwarts' staff and an apprenticeship program has been put in place. Kingsley Shacklebolt has spent the past month encouraging parents and students alike to embrace these radical changes. He has asked those involved to have an open-mind about the apprenticeship programs. But whether you embrace the changes or disapprove of them, you are expected to be at Platform 9¾ on the morning of September 4th, books bought, bags packed and ready to learn.

    Almost grown, but not quite.
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    See [info]almostmods for a list of apprenticeships!

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