pottergames' Journal
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Friday, April 29th, 2011

    Time Event

    What do you do when your world is twisted apart?

    2020. The wizarding world's long enjoyed peace is at an end. The Dark Magicians, a "cult" that started out as a political entity vying for legalization of the Dark Arts, have created an air of tension between the people of Britain. In an attempt to take complete control of the Ministry, younger members of the Magicians move to resurrect two of the most powerful dark wizards in recent history, Grindelwald and Voldemort.

    Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) their plan goes wrong, and instead they tear a hole in the fabric of time and reality, bringing forth dozens of unfortunate wizards & witches from different times, some from different realities entirely.

    While the Ministry is distracted by the influx of visitors, the Magicians plan to wreak havoc on life as the wizarding world now knows it-- and these wizards are far more dangerous than the petty children who twisted the world.

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