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[30 Dec 2014 | 9:41pm]

Oh god the nightmares. I don't know if I can keep doing this. So. Mum and Da reacted like I thought. Completely freaked out and then took this journal off me. Threatening I can't return to school and I need to live completely in the Muggle world. I managed to get this back though thankfully - at least for now. Spending time and showing them that I'm mostly alright is helping them though. I think I accidentally cast silencing spells on my room.
0 read

[26 Dec 2014 | 10:20am]

My mum and my sister got back.
2 read

[22 Dec 2014 | 8:32pm]

I've started a hobby.
3 read

[20 Dec 2014 | 8:41pm]

Charming Eats will be open Sunday 1p-4p and Monday 10a-4p to take special orders for Christmas desserts.  The regular bakery counter and cafĂ© will not be open, but please come by and order a pie!
3 read

[19 Dec 2014 | 6:57pm]

[ Dumbledore's Army ]
I think we should help out rebuilding Hogwarts, if we can.

I understand it may not be easy going back yet, and if anybody decides they're not ready I completely understand. I'm not sure if

Besides, it'll be good to be back together again and actually having something to work on as a team.
22 read

[18 Dec 2014 | 9:54pm]

Hearing the Wireless announcement over and over today reminded me:

Hello, friends. These last few years have been hell, haven't they? We all have our stories to share, and I'm looking for people willing to tell their stories to a large audience. If that's you, if you're interested in your story being heard, ward me here to discuss the details.

There's so much danger, during a reconstruction, to forget the human aspect of any given war. We won't let anyone forget.
8 read

[18 Dec 2014 | 9:01pm]

Hogwarts Students, 1998 and lower

It can't be Hogwarts without all of you there, too.
8 read

[18 Dec 2014 | 10:54am]

[Warded to Weasleys, Harry & Luna]

Someone suggested I should tutor Muggle Studies. Do you have any of your books from past years I could review?

I'm going to take a trip into Diagon to get last year's edition of the text. Do you need anything from the book store? Should I pick up your books for this year?
2 read

[17 Dec 2014 | 11:44pm]

How can they have school without Hogwarts? School is Hogwarts.
30 read

[17 Dec 2014 | 9:29pm]

it'd be nice if we all got a few galleons or something for going through the shite of this year wouldn't it? i need new shoes and a few more bottles of firewhiskey.

and before anyone else asks no i'm not going back to school
92 read

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