October 7th, 2011

[info]bastard_prince in [info]posterity_ooc

Heeeey everyone! It is Meghan again with my third character. This is Aleksey Petrovski, twin brother to Lidia. He wants you to think of him as the best friend you have ever had. He'd love to hang out and grab a beer, or just sit around and shoot the wind. He is charming, likeable, fun to be around, and a total fake. He doesn't really want to befriend any of you, but the best way to get information out of you is by posing as a buddy. He uses his outgoing nature as a way to keep people at arms length. He will talk with you for hours, but it will only be after you leave that you notice he didn't say much about himself.

He isn't looking for love, and is even less interested in having a child. But the money is good, and who would honestly turn down being paid to have sex with a woman? Easiest job EVER.

That isn't to say he is a rotten apple. He isn't a bad guy, but he also isn't a good one. He might even end up liking you well enough if you are fun. He has already started an internal list of all the women he plans on sleeping with, so watch out ladies, he is out to seduce you. His history and a MUCH more in depth personality are over here! And I can't wait to start playing with him!

[info]bastardprincess in [info]posterity_ooc

Who: Lidia and Beatrice
What: Beatrice meets her new neighbor
When: Friday, midday
Where: Female Dorms
Rating: PGish
Warnings: None

Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to be used by you. )

November 2011

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