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Jul. 10th, 2008


Portus Envy Digest: Round-Up Post One

(I forgot to cross-post this yesterday, so IJ watchers get a double-shot of the digest tonight.)

We've already been spoiled with a generous selection of wonderful, creative offers. Excellent work, everybody, and thanks for helping to make [info]portus_envy a success. Without your participation, the comm is nothing!

So that nothing gets lost in the shuffle, and to provide maximum exposure to all the great offerings, I'm doing a daily round-up post, to gather everything up in one neat listing. I've tried to sort it accordingly. Please have a look at these, if you haven't already!

Offerings of Fiction/Prompt Requests )

Offerings of Art, Photomanips and Icons )

Completed Ficlets and Drabbles )

Completed Art and Icons )

Special Projects and Unique Offers )

Don't forget to share the [info]portus_envy love!


FICLET: Snupin Meme

Title: Snupin Meme
Author: [info]geri_chan
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 611
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.

Summary: Inspired by this meme; prompt: Severus can't get somebody's clothes off fast enough (or vice versa). And a very big thank you to dacian_goddess for the inspiration!

Follow the fake cut to my journal


FICLET: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (PG-13, SS/HG)

Second ficlet ready for posting! This one is for [info]closetravenclaw, who asked for SS/HG and moonstone earrings.

Title: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Characters: Severus/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Notes: The earrings in question may or may not resemble a pair that I happen to own. *g* Also, the title is from the Rodgers and Hart song of the same name.

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered )

Jul. 11th, 2008


Fic: House Arrest (SS/HG/LM)

For [info]bluestocking79:
HG/SS/LM, smut with some comedy. Both of them are trying to seduce Hermione in attempts to gain a pardon from her. She just wants to shag them, and intended to give them the pardons anyway. Not that she comes out and lets them know that...

It turned out more like comedy with some smut, sorry – something like a hard R (for inappropriate use of Lucius' big toe)
2500 words

House Arrest )

Jul. 10th, 2008


FICLET: A Suitable Arrangement (PG, slash, Neville/?)

First ficlet is ready to post! This is for [info]chillit, who asked for Neville and a Trevor who isn't really Trevor. ;-) Please enjoy!

Title: A Suitable Arrangement
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Characters: Neville, Trevor, Minerva, Mystery Character
Rating: PG at most

A Suitable Arrangement )


I Come Bearing... ICONS!

All SS/HG art by Elly and some are a bit 'naughty' so there are all under the cut.


A Gift For All )

A WHOLE bunch more

Jul. 9th, 2008



I'm not going to Portus... or Terminus, either, for that matter. I am camping this weekend, but if you leave some prompts here, I'll do what I can before the weekend, and post the rest next week, 'k?

Give me a pairing & prompt, and I'll give you a drabble... I tend towards gen & slash, but I'm willing to try het pairings, if that's what you prefer.

Jul. 10th, 2008


Hullo there

There seems to be drabbles aplenty over at LJ so I'm offering a ficlet (1000-2000 words) to the first three commenters. Please specify the pairing, the genre (comedy, romance, smut...) and add a prompt if you feel like it :)

Jul. 9th, 2008


Okay, I'll go first. Lend me your prompts!

I'm delighted to see people joining the comm! Welcome to [info]portus_envy; we're happy to have you, and please do spread the word. Please feel free to check out the mirror community on Livejournal, if you're interested in what's being posted there.

I'd just like to emphasize that the rules are loose here, so please feel free to just jump right in with any ideas or offers you might have! I'll be doing a daily round-up post, to make sure that nothing gets overlooked or lost in the shuffle.

To get the ball rolling, I'll put out my offer first: I am now accepting drabble and ficlet prompts. Any ship, slash, het or gen, and any characters. Just let me know who you want, how you want them and give me a little prompt, and I will make it happen for you. Let me know the rating you have in mind, if you'd like something smutty.

Just comment to this post with your prompt and your pairing/characters, and I'll see to it that you get a ficlet or drabble!

Meanwhile, if you'd like a jumping-off point to write or draw something of your own, let me offer a few prompts to ponder, for any HP characters of your choosing:

*A fabulous party
*A gala to remember
*A gathering of friends
*A meeting of the minds
*An intimate celebration

If none of these moves you, I'm also throwing out a variation on the Blue Balls Challenge that [info]dacian_goddess proposed on Livejournal. The rules are simple: start a drabble/ficlet with something that sounds like a down-and-dirty PWP, and then turn it into anything but. Be as cracky as you like, and then post your results here!

Check this out for an example of how that might be done: Happy to See You )

Okay, now show me what you've got!


Welcome to Portus Envy! We Can Cure What Ails You.

Suffering from Portus Envy? Well, we've got the cure.

You may not be going to Portus, but that doesn't mean you can't have any fun this week!

As thrilled as we all are for our fandom friends who are enjoying the festivities in Dallas (and really, we are thrilled), that doesn't mean that those of us who are missing it have to miss out. Instead of sitting around and feeling sad and allowing LJ to slow to a crawl this week, why not channel all that frustration into some fabulous creativity? There are tons of talented people who won't be at Portus this week, and if we put our heads together, we can entertain one another quite well. Already, a number of brilliant drabble challenges and other special projects have been proposed.

That's where [info]portus_envy comes in. Let this community serve as your nexus of entertainment. We aim to showcase all the challenges, stories, art, icons and more that are produced by your fellow Portus outcasts. Offering to write custom drabbles for those with Portus Envy? Post your offer here! Have you come up with a fun game for others to play? Post it! If you're moved to start a special project, write fic, create icons, drabble or drawble this week, then please feel free to post a link or announcement here, so that others can see it and enjoy. The more people that get involved, the better!

So if you're looking for a good way to pass the week, looking to commiserate with fellow fans or are interested in meeting new and different people from all corners of the HP fandom, then come surf [info]portus_envy and see what's going on! As far as we're concerned, this is our own sort of party, and we're planning to have plenty of fun at it.

Please, come join the celebration!

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