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the leaky cauldron: hometakenrulesclaimsstorylines
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[02 Sep 2014|09:42pm]

hello! you all hate me right now because i keep posting in pbads and missing you but i figured this would be easier than losing you all again. but let me tell you about harry! he's a former slytherin, 27 years old and a potioneer. harry works as a freelance potioneer and does a pretty decent job with it. he has worked for various shops and even st. mungos but harry currently puts his name out there for private inquiries about potions. his ingredient stock is always ready to go and harry likes to spend his time working on coming up with the next big thing in potions. he doesn't mind dabbling in "grey" areas when it comes to potions, morally and legally. he does a job and doesn't ask questions because his own privacy is also important to him. harry made plenty of friends at hogwarts though he also made enemies. he has a blunt nature and a lack of ability when it comes to tact. for those that had thick skin and could get past that side of him he found instant friendship. for those that took offense when he did not mean it he found himself not getting along so well. he has an ability to move on fast when he needs to in an effort to be good at self-preservation. even with his close friends, harry has struggled with the concept of really letting someone in and working through the bad. he is a friend that can be counted on however when it comes to the simple things. harry considers himself to be handy when it comes to fixing things up and he rarely turns his back on someone that asks for his help.

that's just a little info nabbed from his facts, there's some more background there i plan on elaborating on too. i'd love anything and everything from tiny connections to all
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HEY EVERYONE!! [29 Aug 2014|11:22pm]

i thought i would go ahead and take the dive here in portkeys to bring you all a very special thing!! damien had posted a sort of free-for-all sl post before (thank you damien!) and i think that's a really fantastic idea, so i'm going to attempt to do that here, and i hope it's just as successful. obviously, posting in pbads is the best way to make sure that new people hear about this place and to form new sls, but i thought it might also be helpful for everyone to comment here with a little blurb about their character and what sls they need! we can collect everything here in this post and everyone can comment each other as often as they want to and there's no fear of losing posts or notifications in our emails. BASICALLY, just use this post to make new sls or expand old ones or swap customs or whatever! i want everyone to feel comfortable utilizing this and talking to everyone whether you were at sugarquills or you're reviving an old character or you're new altogether. if this is a success at all, remember to check back because i hope that people will keep commenting through adds! and maybe if you post in pbads, link this post as well to maximize the amount of leakiers (that's a terrible nickname isn't it) who see it. HAVE FUN!
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