pornorpg's Journal
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Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

    Time Event
    Any guys out there interested in a slashy, smutty line against this fey? I have a default starter up but I’m happy to do something different.
    Looking to house this Clive Owen face at [info]samoismod - anyone interested in coming with? I'm open to the lines he'll have, but I'm looking at either a high level member or a non-sexual staff member. I have sibling, friendship and romantic line ideas for him. Jude Law, Natalie Portman and Julia Roberts for specific ideas, too.
    Taking this Lara Pulver pb to [info]samoismod as the sex workers' manager. Seeking a personal assistant, long term clients, friends with benefits and others for her, and a sibling or child would also be fun (non-sexual/romantic lines).

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