The community you wank off to

December 21st, 2010

02:33 pm - [info]cluegirl - Fic Post: Curse and Counter -- NC-17

Title: Curse and Counter

Author: Cluegirl

Rating: nc17

Genres: AU, Crackfic sorta, H/C sorta, EWE

Pairings: Snape/Harry, references to Draco/Astoria, and past Harry/Ginny.

Spoilers: Only for canon through chapter 33 of DH

Warnings: Explicit sex, priapism, fairly extreme themes of punishment and submission, and curse-breaking via sex magic.

Wordcount: 19,000 or so

Summary: Two years after Harry Potter destroys Voldemort, Severus Snape learns by chance that the two of them share more than either had hitherto imagined; a curse. They'll have to work together to break it, of course, assuming they can get past the inevitable dick-measuring...

Disclaimer: Neither JK Rowling, nor Warner Brothers Pictures pays me for the free advertising my unauthorized use of her intellectual property brings to the Harry Potter franchise. Nobody else does either.

Notes: This is a non-epilogue story, which didn't know whether it wanted to be farce, slapstick, or pure, unadulterated raunch. So I settled for a deeply kinky, deeply hinky romp in experimental sex magic, with a side of Silly!Draco for garnish.

Link: Curse and Counter, at Archive of Our Own.

Feedback: Yes please!
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