The community you wank off to

January 8th, 2009

04:07 pm - [info]snegurochka_lee - EXTRA LONG: Five Times Lupin and Snape Should Not Have Had Sex... (Snape/Lupin, NC-17)

Title: Five Times Lupin and Snape Should Not Have Had Sex at Order Headquarters (But Couldn't Help It)
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Words: 7,100
Summary: The first time was rather a surprise, the second time just plain predictable. The third was supposed to go much differently, thank you very much, and the fourth devolved into cliché. The fifth, moreover... well. Neither of them really wishes to talk about that one, if you don't mind.
Notes: Written for [info]serpenscript at the 2008 [info]snupin_santa exchange, who asked for a story in which Snape and Lupin are forced to work together during the war, leading to many fights and angry sex in multiple unusual places. Thanks to [info]islandsmoke and [info]florahart for the beta work. :)

Five Times Lupin and Snape Should Not Have Had Sex at Order Headquarters (But Couldn't Help It) )
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