The community you wank off to

January 6th, 2009

05:15 pm - [info]pir8fancier - Fic: BMHM: the Wedding

Author: [info]pir8fancier
Title: BMHM: the Wedding
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 12,010
Summary: One week before the nuptials of our two lovely young men, Draco has a mental breakdown. Surprised? Nah, I wasn't either.
Author's Notes: Never say never. I thought I was done with these boys in this particular framework, however, NOT! This sequel was written for [info]tray_la_la as part of the auction for [info]livelongnmarry. By now you know that Prop 8 passed, but the fight is NOT over. I think it fitting this fic is about our boys getting married. No betas. Just lil ole me. See problems? The original is here.
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