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Friday, July 14th, 2006

    Time Event
    Fic: Puddles and Knots (HP/SS, Humorfic)

    Original poster: gauriel

    Title: Puddles and Knots
    Author: [info]gauriel
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Rating: G
    Length: 1515
    Warnings: Kind of cracky, silliness abounds.
    Disclaimer: Not my playground, just having some fun. Everything you recognize belongs to JKR, a book company, and some movie studios.
    Summary: A gift ficlet for [info]alisanne who gave me the prompt ‘caught in the rain’. Also seems to fit with [info]painless_j’s “Snape’s Hair” challenge. Unfortunately, I realized after I finished that this idea had been done before, but I swear I wasn’t aware of it when I wrote it!
    A/N: Thank you to everyone who commented on the unbeta'ed posting of this. I will submit it for the challenge. Thank you also to my wonderful betas [info]nicholsa and [info]snapesgirl. Do enjoy this bit o' silly! :)

    ( Puddles and Knots )

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