Pornicators' Journal
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Sunday, June 11th, 2006

    Time Event

    Original poster: unbroken_halo

    Well Hell. I just got a poke from [info]djin7 about this comm. She had this really great idea to have a mini fest. Since once again the Round Robin is a bust, I was wondering what ya'll think about that. Is anyone out there still writing, reading doing something (hehehe) on the good ship Snarry?

    Since the month of June has already half past shall we start up a comment thread for a poll to be run in a few days and ya'll can vote and give me and idea about what you would like to see here?

    Talk to me ya'll I promise I won't bite... well not too hard anyway and then only if you ask nicely. [info]sevs_lil_secret don't you even answer that cause you I will bite just on principal. *grins*

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Crazy/Alanis Morissette

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